Welcome Back
Check out three new casings per frame, and the fusion core.
Things are gonna be intense
Orders will be handled differently now, have a read at the bottom of the page.
:)) FOMF :))
Custom and repairable Onewheels are hard to make.
The aim is to build similarly functioning parts for each board frame type
Find designs on the product page
Check out the Builder Contacts to find local experience
True optimisation of the GT Frame
VOW Custom
The first and most insane build
Red Knight
Aussie Trail Machine
Monthly batches will take place, with one months orders expected to be sent out before the end of the following month. EG; Parts ordered in July will be sent out by the end of August.
This is to relieve a bit of pressure and to make room for machining tasks. Thanks for your patience :))
Order international shipping cost is calculated via weight, at approximately $45AUD ($30USD)
per mass of packed casing (approx 1kg). Shipping will be no more than $70AUD ($45USD) per order.